Reply To: Sunday January 10: Coming Out of The Water

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday January 10: Coming Out of The Water Reply To: Sunday January 10: Coming Out of The Water

Posted by Susan Kenney on January 12, 2021 at 6:52 pm #111172

Today we are reminded that the Jesus  of history and the Christ of all time join us in the waters of our lives. As we recall the frightening events of January 6, we trust that we are not alone in these murky waters of our country. Although the violent acts were not committed by all of us, we must admit that we each share the guilt. Each of us has muddied the waters of our communal lives. We have not always abided by the public guidelines meant to protect the vulnerable among us. We have failed to speak out  against our civil and religious institutions when they have remained silent in the face of racism, poverty and white privilege. So, let us stand together in thus murky water, asking for forgiveness and for the waters of new life. And listen to that voice – both from afar and from wi<u>thin, “You are my beloved”. </u>