Reply To: Sunday, October 4 – Straining Toward God

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday, October 4 – Straining Toward God Reply To: Sunday, October 4 – Straining Toward God

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on October 7, 2020 at 9:03 pm #108955

pam , i don’t know how you do it, but your selection of readings is so powerful. i read word of the week sunday morning and then forgot during the day. in the middle of the night i woke up for a long time and reviewed all the ways God is present to me when i open to what is on my plate. He gentles me in such a visceral way. the way is thru, not around . at 5 am i went back to sleep and had a nightmare. the next night i had another bad dream. but the direction i got from those dreams is valuable: being ready to pack up and go at a moment’s notice, and having oil for my lamp and having it lit. my daily intention is stewarding my energy and mental space to respondd to what God is calling me to. I want to be of service at this time and want to be ready.
so, thank you . thank you. thank you.