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Father Sheehan 6-Day Centering Prayer Retreat at Holy Cross Abbey

Holy Cross Abbey 901 Cool Spring Ln, VA

Silence and Solitude FORGIVENESS Centering Prayer Retreat with Father Bill Sheehan Monday, March 27 – Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023 Holy Cross Abbey (HCA) Berryville, VA 5 Full Days

Introduction to Centering Prayer – Online Workshop

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St. Mary's Sewanee is hosting an online workshop via Zoom, "Introduction to Centering Prayer", Saturday, April 1st, 9am to 3pm Central Time, led by The Rev. Tom Ward. The Rev.


Resurrection – Transformation Big Sit – via Zoom

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Join us for a meaningful morning exploring the Resurrection-Transformation theme. This Big Sit incorporates two 20-minute silent Centering Prayer sessions with Lectio Divina (sacred reading four times), Taizé chant, and
