Online Centering Prayer Weekend Retreat

Internet - Online , United States

"Who is The Ultimate Reality? And Who are We?" Presenter: Bonnie Shimizu Friday, October 23 - Sunday, October 25 Offered through Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino, CA This weekend retreat will explore the heart of the Christian contemplative journey through the loving gift and legacy of Fr. Thomas Keating. Bonnie will explore the Love that


Centering Prayer Full-Day Retreat

Internet - Online , United States

St. Mary’s Sewanee invites you to spend time in prayerful silence and contemplation during this day-long Centering Prayer retreat led by the Rev. Tom Ward and Rebecca Paluzzi. This event is modeled on the rhythm of the multi-day retreats that St. Mary’s Sewanee has offered for more than 20 years. In preparing this new retreat


Centering Prayer Retreat

Church of Conscious Harmony 7406 Newhall Lane, Austin, TX, United States

Half-day Centering Prayer Retreat at The Church of Conscious Harmony in Austin, TX. Registration begins at 8:30 pm and the program begins at 9 am. The morning includes two 30-minute prayer periods, Lectio Divina, several periods of silence and solitude, and faith sharing. There is a suggested love offering of $10. Please pre-register.

Richard Rohr, OFM – “When Everything is Adrift”

Center for Contemplative Living 3650 Yates St, Denver, CO, United States

We are offered a tremendous opportunity in our day to change ourselves and our world. This opportunity may be described as a time of major regression, denial of the past and even collapse! This is no exaggeration as we look at the state of our planet, our worldwide politics of despair, the abandonment of many


Centering Prayer for Our World

Internet - Online , United States

Centering Prayer: Our Practice, Our World Sunday, October 25, 2020 1-4:30 p.m. $20 “The Christian is one who is connected through the heart to the whole of life, attuned to the deeper intelligence of Nature and called forth irresistibly by the Spirit to creatively express one’s gifts in the evolution of self and world.” –


A Special Call to Centering Prayer 

Internet - Online , United States

Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington invites you to join in their special, community Centering Prayer for the U.S. and the whole world on Tuesday, October 27 at 8 p.m. EDT. Our format is simple — an opening prayer, centering for a half-hour, then the Lord’s Prayer. Below is the Zoom coordinate for this simple


Wisdom, Then and Now

Internet - Online , United States

During this class we will examine wisdom as it is found in the Hebrew Scripture known as Wisdom Literature. We will explore what these books offered to the community of Israel, look at how they are reflected in the New Testament and see how they are carried out in our contemplative community. Finally we consider


Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

In this introductory workshop, you will learn the ancient method and principles of Centering Prayer practice in a quiet, reflective atmosphere. We will cover the history, psychology, and theology of the practice. Two prayer sessions and a question and answer session are included. This will include a live and Zoom option. Presented by: Mike Smoolca

Guard of the Heart

Internet - Online , United States

“One practice to bring the effects of contemplative prayer into daily life is traditionally known as Guard of the Heart. This consists of letting go of every emotional disturbance as it arises and before we start thinking about it. This method is more sophisticated than dismantling the emotional programs for happiness because it deals with


Contemplation and the Way of Ease

Internet - Online , United States

In the midst of great division and a global pandemic, we all need space to slow down and return to "the way of ease." Join this 1.5 hour workshop over Zoom to explore Centering Prayer as a way of returning to our natural mind and sinking into the simplicity of being. When we rest in


The Welcoming Prayer — An Introduction

Internet - Online , United States

The Welcoming Prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. The purpose of the Welcoming Prayer is to deepen our relationship with God through consenting in the ordinary activities of our day. It helps to dismantle the emotional programs
