COMW Feb 20 Half-Day Centering Prayer Retreat Via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Centering Prayer: Revisiting the Fundamentals Invitation from God—an Overview by Thomas Keating This is the first half day retreat in a series of three based on the video Invitation from God (2007) with Father Keating filmed in Saint Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado. The first half day retreat presents the video on Father Keating's overview


A Quiet Morning with Centering Prayer via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Welcome...Silence...Center...Receptiveness...Spaciousness...Rest... Please join us this morning for a time together in Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. We will gather via Zoom for a 2 hour time of quiet and prayer in community. Praying in silence together, experiencing our God praying in us together, allowing God to breathe love in us together, being present in each


Exploring Desert Wisdom: A Contemplative Lenten Retreat (on Zoom)

Internet - Online , United States

In the fourth and fifth centuries, hundreds of years after Christ’s birth, literally thousands of early Christians flocked to the desert to deepen their relationship with Christ. In this retreat, we will explore the power of the desert through psalms, Desert Father and Mother sayings and contemporary literature as well as Centering Prayer and lectio


7th Centering Prayer and Enneagram Retreat

Internet - Online , United States

"Centering Prayer and Enneagram" retreat is meant for anyone who wants to advance in their contemplative prayer practice with a deeper knowledge of who we are and why we do the things we do. Knowing who we are is the first step into growing in wisdom. Enneagram personality types will show us what motivates us


Centering Prayer Weekend Retreat via ZOOM

Internet - Online , United States

Fr. Bill Sheehan OMI will be presenting on Fr. Thomas Keating's book, Consenting to God As God Is. Retreat is from Friday evening to Sunday midday (Pacific Time Zone) Scholarships available. Please register using the link below and click on Featured Events to locate this offering. For more information contact Sr. Linda Snow CSJ at:


Spiritual Enrichment and Formation for Facilitators of Centering Prayer Groups

Internet - Online , United States

Offered via Zoom, this retreat provides a unique opportunity for current facilitators, as well as those considering becoming facilitators, to enrich and deepen their spirituality and explore the skills and attributes conducive to effective facilitation and functioning of prayer groups.  Further topics include principles of facilitating centering prayer groups; faith sharing and group dynamics; establishing

Facilitator Training/Enrichment – COMW

Internet - Online , United States

Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington (COMW), in partnership with the international organization, Contemplative Outreach Ltd. (COL), COMW is now offering a hybrid path for facilitator training/enrichment. It combines: COL’s new online training (February 26-27, 2021) - Organized and offered by COL and led by Bob Mischke and his COL colleagues. A COMW mentoring period,


The Welcoming Prayer Practice via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

The Welcoming Prayer is a method for living out the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating.  Its purpose is to deepen our relationship with God through consenting in ordinary activities.  Retreat Leaders will be Sue Miller and Sheila Roche.  This is a Zoom online workshop, 8am-Noon Central Time. For registration and costs contact the Benedictine Sister

Exploring the Wisdom of the Gospels

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Among the various titles given Jesus is “Wisdom Master.” An exploration of the Gospels Wisdom Parables will give us an understanding of what this title might imply. Using a Lectio Divina approach, we will unpack such parables as the Laborers in the Field, the Parable of the Talents, and others. You will end the day

Training the Heart: ​What Benedict and Ignatius Offer in Support of Centering Prayer – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

St. Benedict (d. 547) and St. Ignatius (d. 1556) are often contrasted for their distinct schools of spirituality and very different perspectives on discipleship. The underpinnings of their prayer forms, however, have more in common than meets the eye, and the threads binding the teachings of Benedict and Ignatius still offer encouragement and practical wisdom


Introduction to Centering Prayer via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Centering Prayer is a form of Christian silent meditation where one lets go of thoughts during periods of prayer typically lasting 20 minutes. It is rooted in the self-emptying love that forms the heart of Jesus’ teaching and life. The effect on those who practice it is an ever-increasing awareness of God’s action and presence


Lenten Silent Saturday with Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Lenten Silent Saturday 3.6.21 ♱ 9a m - 12:30 pm Pacific Time Registration is limited and required. Please register online using the link below. $15.00 donation. Questions? contact Jill Yamada 949 257-6002 The Zoom link will be emailed to all registrants prior to March 6th Our online retreat includes; time with Fr. Bill, Q&A’s and
