All Day

Personal Days of Retreat & Renewal

Bethany Retreat Center 1031 Germania Rd, Frenchville

You are invited to take a day or days of personal retreat to focus on your “self care.” How are you taking care of yourself spiritually, physically and emotionally? At


Contemplative Advent Retreat

St. Mary's Sewanee: The Ayres Center for Spiritual Development 770 St. Mary's Lane, TN

This three-day workshop will focus on how Centering Prayer can heighten one’s understanding and appreciation for the season of Advent. The leader will be the Rev. Tom Ward, the retired university

Advent Centering Prayer All-Day Retreat

Internet - Online

St. Mary’s Sewanee invites you to spend time in prayerful silence and contemplation during this day-long Advent Centering Prayer retreat led by the Rev. Tom Ward and Rebecca Paluzzi. This


Centering Prayer Retreat

Church of Conscious Harmony 7406 Newhall Lane, Austin

One-day Advent Centering Prayer Retreat at The Church of Conscious Harmony in Austin, TX. Registration begins at 8:30 pm and the program begins at 9 am. The morning includes two 30-minute

2020 Advent Retreat via Zoom

Internet - Online

Contemplative Outreach of Puget Sound North is delighted to offer our eighth annual one-day virtual Advent retreat. It will offer you the opportunity to bring closure, healing and meaning to
