David Frenette Workshop Submission Successful

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Silence Speaking, Stillness Acting:
Centering Prayer, Contemplative Petition and Unity

with David Frenette via Zoom

Sunday, February 20
11am – 1pm Pacific Time (noon Mountain; 1pm Central; 2pm Eastern; London (BST) 7pm; UTC 19:00)
Free; suggested donation $35 USD


The Zoom connection details are as follows.  Please copy/paste this for your reference. Reminder emails will be sent with the information before the event.

Use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4459094698?pwd=b0hoeWR4dTRoL0NGV3pIUjB5MFVVQT09

or use meeting ID 445 909 4698, passcode COL


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Donation Total: $35.00